January 27, 2022

Cervical Myelopathy – A Model for Central Neuropathic Pain? - Oral Abstract Presentation

Oral Abstract Presenter - Paulina Scheuren
January 27th
11:10 - 11:21

LIVE Pro & Con Debate: The Hot Topic in Pharmacology Cannabis-based medicines for neuropathic pain: what is the evidence for benefit and harm?

Elon Eisenberg
January 27th
11:25 - 12:10

Fighting Fire with Fire: New Approaches in Neuropathic Pain Treatment - LIVE Session Sponsored by Grünenthal

Serge Perrot
January 27th
12:30 - 13:15

Plenary 3 - CRPS – a case of autoimmune pain?

Frank Birklein
January 27th
13:15 - 13:36

View Beyond our Everyday Business - Neuropathic pain in children: same or different from adults?

Suellen Walker
January 27th
13:36 - 13:56

Interventional Management of Neuropathic Pain - To trial or not to trial? About the short flavour of living with SCS

Sam Eldabe
January 27th
13:56 - 14:12

New Objectives for Drugs and Neuromodulation - DRG mechanisms for neuropathic pain: a neglected target?

Praveen Anand
January 27th
14:12 - 14:26

LIVE Panel Discussion/Q&A 2

Rainer Freynhagen
January 27th
14:30 - 15:00